Friday, 29 March 2019

Dear fellow creators,

I have been rather quiet, for which I am sorry, but there have been a few other demands. I have however been keenly appreciating all the posts and joyfully seeing each ones piece as it has arrived.

I have once again a WOW reaction. 

Fran, what a gorgeous combination of colours and textures and I so enjoy the ‘outside the box’ interpretation you have given both your pieces. I find it invites me to think laterally and I so enjoy that. Thank you.

Claire, such a bright, warm piece, totally reflecting your focus on the warmth of friendship. I love its sturdiness and yet its flexibility, qualities so important in long lasting friendships.

Denise, not only did you give us a brilliant inspirational image you then create such a delicate looking piece yet so strong in what it says. I see hours of patient work and imagine you totally emersed in its creation and enjoying it. I am touched by the energy it holds.

Stephanie, talking of energy, what energy your piece holds! It shows such a strong and powerful image, so full of emotion that it creates a visceral response in me. Thank you for showing such brilliant technique in portraying such richness of life in such an open manner.

And my piece is not finished! I’m afraid I won’t have it done by Sunday, but I will send you photos of the work so far and hope to finish it before too long. Life sometimes has other plans!

And Lydie, I look forward to seeing your piece too. This is a most stimulating and enjoyable group. Sending the warmth of friendship to you all,

1 comment:

  1. Ana
    Thanks for all your very kind and perceptive comments. Don't feel hurried to complete your piece - our deadlines are self imposed, so no need to be pressured. I agree that all the pieces we have seen so far are absolutely top class- so interesting and creative - I am amazed at the talent in our small group. I feel it is bringing out the best in each of us.
    Take care of yourself and we look forward to seeing your work in due course. xxx Love Claire

    Merci pour tous tes commentaires très gentils et perspicaces. Ne te sentes pas pressé de terminer ton travail - nos délais sont auto-imposés, tu n'as donc pas besoin de pression.
    Je conviens que toutes les œuvres que nous avons vues jusqu’à présent appartiennent à la classe la plus haute - si intéressantes et créatives - je suis émerveillé par le talent de notre petit groupe. Je pense que cela fait ressortir le meilleur de chacun de nous.
    Prends soin de toi et nous avons hâte de voir ton travail le moment venu. xxx bissous claire


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